In-House Maintenance

In-House Maintenance
  • Our Maintenance Technicians are highly skilled, fully insured full-time employees of the 2B Living.
  • 2BL Maintenance Techs are paired with our Property Managers and dedicated to a portfolio of properties allowing them to gain detailed insight into a property’s operations, which often results in saving time and money during repairs.
  • 2BL Maintenance Techs operate as our “First Responders” for a majority of maintenance requests.
  • 2BL Maintenance Techs are skilled in a variety of areas and can address nearly all minor and mid-sized maintenance requests. For the rare jobs that exceed our maintenance operation’s capabilities, our Maintenance Techs have access to a dedicated network of licensed professional vendors who specialize in a myriad of trades.
  • Our maintenance techs are billed hourly at a significant discount to current market rates.